
At Trade Fusion Group, we recognize the profound impact of recycling and repurposing materials for a more sustainable future. Scrap, often considered as discarded material, takes on a new significance in the realm of non-ferrous materials.

Our scrap materials undergo meticulous processing to ensure quality and purity. By maintaining high standards in recycling practices, Trade Fusion Group offers scrap metals that meet industry specifications and contribute to the production of top-quality goods.

Copper Scrap:

Our Copper Scrap is a valuable resource meticulously sorted and processed for optimal quality. Whether you’re involved in electrical applications, manufacturing, or other industries, our copper scrap stands out for its purity and reliability, making it a prime choice for various applications.

Origin: Bangladesh

Qty.: 1500 MT Monthly

Aluminum Scrap:

Embrace the lightweight strength of aluminum with our Aluminum Scrap. Ideal for a range of applications, our aluminum scrap undergoes thorough processing to ensure it meets the highest standards. Whether you’re involved in aerospace, automotive, or general manufacturing, our aluminum scrap is your reliable source for quality and sustainability.

Choose Trade Fusion Group for scrap metals that not only meet but exceed your expectations in terms of performance, quality, and environmental responsibility

Origin: Bangladesh

Qty.: 1500 MT Monthly

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